A senior mother with glasses standing in a garden with her daughter.

Is the risk of having lens replacement higher than sticking with glasses or contact lenses?

There are risks with a lens replacement surgery, as there are risks with anything we do in life. It is about judging and balancing those risks with the potential benefits.

I’ll hopefully be able to meet and have this conversation with you at your first appointment. Here we can judge and balance those risks with the potential benefits.

Spectacles and contact lenses have risks. With contact lenses, you risk having an infection in your eye, which in itself could be very serious and could threaten your vision.

If you’d like to find out how I can help you escape the frustrations and risks associated with glasses and contact lenses, book an appointment. Here we can discuss your needs, your wants, and your desires. I hope to give you that newfound confidence and freedom you deserve.

Booking an appointment online couldn’t be easier. It provides you with a range of options, times, dates and locations whereby you and I can meet. Together, we can have that discussion and agree on a way forward for you to maximise the potential that your eyes can give you. You’ll be able to enjoy that clear, bright, vibrant life.

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Are you over 50 and hate your glasses or contacts?

Ageing doesn’t have to mean dependence on reading glasses. Book a free video appointment today, and I’ll show you how you can be free to watch the telly and read again without the hassle of glasses and contacts

A portrait of Dan Nguyen, the Consultant Eye Surgeon at Dan Nguyen Ophthalmologist

Mr Dan Nguyen

Consultant Eye Surgeon

Hello, I’m Dan Nguyen!

I‘m your guide to better vision. In times when long waiting lists and unclear options are the norm, it’s easy to feel stuck and worried about your eye health. Don’t let that hold you back. I’m here to show you that you can skip the endless queues and make real progress. Remember, you’re unique, not just another name on a list. Every patient I see receives top-notch care, tailored to their specific needs and lifestyle. Once you’ve had your treatment, you’ll be able to embrace a life that’s vivid, colourful, and just the way you like it. So what are you waiting for? Stop waiting and start living!