A senior man playing with kid toys with his grandson.

When will I start to see lens replacement results?

Within 24 hours, that first morning after the surgery, you’ll start to see the earliest improvements and lens replacement results. My patients often say to me how amazed they feel the first thing in the morning when they no longer need to reach for their glasses. They no longer need to go into their bathroom to put their contact lenses in. Removing all those challenges, those frustrations, those limitations that these lenses caused you in the past.

I would hope that after the surgery, within 24 hours, you’ll start to notice the improvement in your eyes and your vision. You’ll then begin to look forward to enjoying the new you, your new vision, and to start living the life that you deserve.

Booking an appointment online couldn’t be easier; it provides you with a range of options, times, dates, locations whereby you and I can meet. I can get a much better understanding of your needs, your wants, your desires. And then together, we can have that discussion and agree on a way forward for you to maximise the potential that your eyes can give you. So you can experience that clear, bright, vibrant life and enjoy all the things that you do deserve.

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Are you over 50 and hate your glasses or contacts?

Ageing doesn’t have to mean dependence on reading glasses. Book a free video appointment today, and I’ll show you how you can be free to watch the telly and read again without the hassle of glasses and contacts

A portrait of Dan Nguyen, the Consultant Eye Surgeon at Dan Nguyen Ophthalmologist

Mr Dan Nguyen

Consultant Eye Surgeon

Hello, I’m Dan Nguyen!

I‘m your guide to better vision. In times when long waiting lists and unclear options are the norm, it’s easy to feel stuck and worried about your eye health. Don’t let that hold you back. I’m here to show you that you can skip the endless queues and make real progress. Remember, you’re unique, not just another name on a list. Every patient I see receives top-notch care, tailored to their specific needs and lifestyle. Once you’ve had your treatment, you’ll be able to embrace a life that’s vivid, colourful, and just the way you like it. So what are you waiting for? Stop waiting and start living!