Overcome the constraints of cataracts and be glasses-free
Go beyond standard cataract surgery and choose a solution that matches your needs and lifestyle
Gain clear vision at both distance and near
Premium cataract surgery not only removes your cataracts but can also alleviate your need for reading and distance glasses. My patients tell me that this amazing procedure gave them back a sense of freedom, convenience and independence that they thought they had lost but were relieved to regain.
Never put an age limit on your dreams
The onset of cataracts is often a gradual and subtle change. All of a sudden, however, you may find that you are unable to drive. Or, you notice you’ve withdrawn from many activities you used to enjoy like reading, gardening and cooking. I’m here to help you turn this around. After premium cataract surgery, you’ll gain a new lease on life and will be eager to throw yourself into all of the activities you enjoy with the people you love.
A blessing in disguise
For many of my patients in North Wales, Cheshire and Manchester, the arrival of cataracts lead them to embrace a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity which can result in having better vision than they’ve had their entire lives – and it’s all thanks to premium cataract surgery.
Gain clear vision at both distance and near
Premium cataract surgery not only removes your cataracts but can also alleviate your need for reading and distance glasses. My patients tell me that this amazing procedure gave them back a sense of freedom, convenience and independence that they thought they had lost but were relieved to regain.
Never put an age limit on your dreams
The onset of cataracts is often a gradual and subtle change. All of a sudden, however, you may find that you are unable to drive. Or, you notice you’ve withdrawn from many activities you used to enjoy like reading, gardening and cooking. I’m here to help you turn this around. After premium cataract surgery, you’ll gain a new lease on life and will be eager to throw yourself into all of the activities you enjoy with the people you love.
Don’t wait for cataract treatment
Beat the cataract waiting lists in 3 easy steps
Premium cataract surgery restores your vision AND helps you ditch your glasses
If you’d like to know the ins and outs of premium cataract surgery we have all the information you need below
Premium cataract surgery suitability criteria
You do not need to wait until the cataract is “ripe” or “mature” to have cataract surgery. You can have surgery as soon as your cataract interferes with your quality of life. For example, if you’re experiencing a poor vision, difficulty reading or seeing road signs when driving, you should consider having them removed.
How premium cataract surgery works
Premium cataract surgery works by removing the cloudy natural lens of your eye and replacing it with a clear artificial lens.
Unlike the lenses we use in standard cataract surgery which are fixed focus for one distance, premium lens implants can be used to improve your distance, intermediate (computer) and near (reading) vision.
Advantages and disadvantages of premium cataract surgery
Premium cataract surgery can:
- Significantly improve the quality of your vision
- Reduce your refractive error
- Reduce your dependency on spectacles or contact lenses
The risks involved in premium cataract surgery are low compared to other types of surgery and the recovery time is quick.
- Like all surgical procedures, premium cataract surgery carries with it the risk of complications. I will discuss these with you in detail at your appointment and ease any concerns you have.
Premium cataract surgery risks
Premium cataract surgery, like any other operation, carries with it the risk of complication. However, serious complications are uncommon – the chance of you having a worse vision as a result of premium cataract surgery is 1%. The risk of losing one’s vision completely (blindness) from surgery is rare (0.1% / 1 in 1000 procedures).
Premium cataract surgery options and alternatives
The only way to remove your cataracts is to undergo surgery.
You do have the option of standard or premium cataract surgery. This is the option concerning which lens choice you make.
Premium cataract surgery steps
- I insert a high-frequency ultrasound probe into the eye through a tiny incision. The probe then extracts the clouded lens.
- I then place a folded up artificial lens into the eye through the same tiny incision.
- The lens unfolds within the eye to lie in the same position as the old cataractous lens.
- I calculate the strength of the implant before the operation to ensure that it will suit your eye.
- The tiny incision in the eye seals itself without the need for stitches.
- I can also treat your astigmatism at the same time if you wish.
Premium cataract surgery results
How successful is cataract surgery?
The operation is one of the most successful operations around, with more than 95% of people experiencing an improvement in their vision. Note that your outcome will depend on your unique eyes and on any existing eye diseases that you may have.
What can you expect after surgery?
Your eye may feel slightly gritty, but we can manage this with drops for the first few weeks. Painkillers are not usually necessary. Your eye may be slightly red, but this usually settles over one to three weeks.
Affiliations and Memberships
We are proud to be a part of these professional bodies
We help 2 types of people looking for cataract treatment
Which of these two options below sounds more like you?
My answers to the most frequently asked questions about cataract surgery
Learn everything you want to know about cataract surgery so you can feel comfortable booking an appointment
How Do I Have a Fast Recovery After Cataract Surgery?
Are you considering cataract surgery? Discover why Dr. Dan Nguyen is the top choice for your vision care needs! From expert care to advanced technology, find out the top 10 reasons to trust Dr. Nguyen with your eyes.
Can a Cataract Surgery be Redone if the First One Failed?
Are you considering cataract surgery? Discover why Dr. Dan Nguyen is the top choice for your vision care needs! From expert care to advanced technology, find out the top 10 reasons to trust Dr. Nguyen with your eyes.
Can You Drive Yourself Home After Cataract Surgery?
Are you considering cataract surgery? Discover why Dr. Dan Nguyen is the top choice for your vision care needs! From expert care to advanced technology, find out the top 10 reasons to trust Dr. Nguyen with your eyes.
YAG laser capsulotomy helps you reclaim clear vision after cataract surgery
If you’d like to know the ins and outs of YAG laser treatment we have all the information you need below
YAG laser capsulotomy suitability criteria
You may be suitable for this treatment If you’ve had cataract or lens replacement surgery in the past and your vision has become “cloudy” and “misty” again.
To ensure you are a good candidate, we will examine you and confirm that the capsule behind your lens is becoming opacified.
How lens YAG laser capsulotomy works
We use a laser to remove the cloudy capsule behind your lens implant. This restores your sight to the levels it was after your cataract or lens replacement surgery.
Advantages and disadvantages of YAG laser capsulotomy
- It is a quick and painless procedure that we perform in the clinic
- Your vision will rapidly improve after the laser
- It is highly unlikely that capsule opacification will occur again
- No risk of infection
- Unfortunately, the procedure may not work for everyone
- No laser procedure is entirely risk-free
YAG laser capsulotomy risks
Any laser procedure carries an element of risk which I will discuss with you in detail at your appointment. Some include:
- Inflammation of the eye
- Floaters
- Swelling or detachment of the retina
- Reduced vision
YAG laser capsulotomy options and alternatives
Unfortunately, there is no alternative to YAG laser capsulotomy.
YAG laser capsulotomy steps
I perform laser treatment in the clinic as a day treatment. The entire process takes less than 5 minutes.
Step one: Before treatment, I administer eye drops to prepare and “numb” the eye.
Step two: I ask you to look at a light whilst I perform the laser. You’ll hear a series of “clicks.”
Step three: I may give you anti-inflammatory eye drops to use.
YAG laser capsulotomy results
YAG laser capsulotomy is a very successful and effective way to improve your vision.
If you have no other eye issues, YAG laser will restore your vision to the way it was after your cataract or lens replacement surgery.
My patients across Northwest England and North Wales are thrilled to reclaim their lives after cataracts
Hear how they stopped waiting and started living again
Links to authoritative resources about cataract surgery
Follow the links below for more information on premium cataract surgery

Mr Dan Nguyen
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Hello, I’m Dan Nguyen!
I‘m your guide to better vision. In times when long waiting lists and unclear options are the norm, it’s easy to feel stuck and worried about your eye health. Don’t let that hold you back. I’m here to show you that you can skip the endless queues and make real progress. Remember, you’re unique, not just another name on a list. Every patient I see receives top-notch care, tailored to their specific needs and lifestyle. Once you’ve had your treatment, you’ll be able to embrace a life that’s vivid, colourful, and just the way you like it. So what are you waiting for? Stop waiting and start living!